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How to deal with stress when circumstances in our lives or others’ lives are being reshaped?  Modifications in our lives can impact and affect us all differently.  Whether it takes place in our
individual life or in the world we live in we all react, think and feel differently.  Some transformations that occur within the world we live results in some of us feeling joy, excitement and optimism.  However, the same transformation may leave others feeling despair, stress and gloom. 

You are in control of how you choose to react, think and feel
about changes that are not pleasing to you.  The new government has caused many to feel despair and stress amongst many other emotions.  In spite of what some are feeling, they have taken action in protesting in hopes of stopping injustices and creating
change for the better.  This is an inspiration to all who are not
satisfied with how the new administration is trying to alter
America into something it should not be. 

Life Changing


If you are not happy with the current situation and are feeling
stressed here are a few suggestions that may help you in alleviating your tension:

Remain POSITIVE in knowing the situation is not hopeless.  In uncertain times or circumstances it is important to keep a positive outlook.  Ask yourself what part can I play in helping to make the situation better.  Keep your thoughts upbeat.  Because in you being hopeful will create promising feelings; such as, optimism.  As a result, your actions and attitude will be more concrete in you making the situation better instead of worse.

Get INVOLVED utilizing your passion and enthusiasm to join with others to jumpstart creating change that has a victorious outcome.  Unity, passion and action can make things happen.  Stay optimistic and decide how you can be helpful in making life better for you and someone else.  You may not get the results you want the first time.  However, let it be a motivator for you not to give up and keep moving forward for what you believe in. 

Practice SELF-CARE to ensure you are nurturing your physical, emotional and mental needs.  It is important to slow down, relax and re-energize so that you get relief from your burden and have the strength to keep moving forward in your journey.  Find time to spend on taking care of you by doing enjoyable activities that are relaxing.  Or simply do nothing at all, whichever will be most beneficial to you in restoring your physical, emotional and mental well-being.

PRAYER.  If you are spiritual and pray, then you know how powerful prayer can be in transforming your life and the world we live in.  You can practice praying according to your spiritual beliefs.  You can pray about the fortunate changes you desire for your family, others and the world to become a reality.  Remaining faithful in prayer can be life changing.

“Fervent prayers produce phenomenal results.”
~Woodrow Kroll

Learning to practice self-care, maintaining a positive attitude and gaining clarity in your life during uncertain times will help to reduce your stress.  Changing Your Life Coaching is committed in guiding, supporting and encouraging you in discovering solutions for how you can take better care of yourself and gain clarity in your life.  Get started today by visiting the Complimentary Coaching Session Page and schedule your session now. 

I look forward to learning more about you and how I may be able to support you.  
changes in life
How are you coping with stress as our country changes?
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How To Deal With Stress During Change

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Changing Your Life Coaching
Coaching People to Achieve Life-Changing Goals and Dreams

Ways To Deal With Difficult Emotions

Are you feeling really overwhelmed or upset?  Try these strategies to take back power over your emotions.
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How to Tame Your Fears and
Charge Forward Courageously

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Build Resilience by Being
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How to Tame Your Fears and
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overcoming obstacles

We have all been there.  When we have been irritated about something that just happened to us, what someone did to us, said to us, or did not do for us.  As a result, we were angry, terrified, or felt defeated which resulted in our emotions overpowering us. What are some ways to deal with difficult emotions in order to get them under control when they have already gotten completely out of control?

Well, there are tons of ways to better manage your emotions over time.  For example, you can develop positive thinking skills, reappraisal skills, and resiliency.  However, it takes a lot of effort over long periods of time to practice these skills for developing habits. 

Of course, learning these skills is a great idea.  Even so, what can you do right now to control your already out-of-control emotions?  Here are some science-based tips:

Stop Dwelling on Negative Thoughts

When bad things happen, sometimes we get stuck ruminating about these events.  We think about what happened or could have happened over and over again.  Often it is these nonstop thought cycles that drive our emotions up and not the actual event itself.   So, in order to control these emotions, we usually just need to stop having the thoughts that are creating them. Yes, it is easier said than done.

One strategy is to play “I Spy.”  It may seem silly, but naming different objects you see around the room can help you redirect your thoughts to other more routine things, so that your emotions can get a rest and start to calm down.  Another strategy for redirecting your thoughts is to get up, do something, or change your surroundings.  For instance, you could excuse yourself to go to the restroom or if the situation allows, go for a short walk. This approach helps to give you a moment to reset and guide your thoughts in a new direction.

Take Deep Breaths

“Take a deep breath” might seem like a simple suggestion.  However, it actually activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps calm high-arousal negative emotions, like anxiety or anger.  So, breathing deeply is key when it comes to managing our more challenging emotions.

Reason being, the brain has a harder time making good, rational decisions when emotions are in the driver's seat. Also, we are likely to make better decisions if we take a few deep breaths first.  So, when emotions start to feel overwhelming, pause.  Take a couple of deep breaths to bring those intense emotions down a level, so, you can carefully think about and choose what to do next.

Create Positive Emotions

Once you have calmed down somewhat and you are thinking clearly again, it is helpful to try to infuse some positive emotions into the situation to help beat back those negative feelings.  One way to do this is to look for the silver linings in whatever it is that is bothering you.  For example, did your boss tell you that you must redo the work you just did?  A silver lining might be that this experience will help you become better at your job in the future.  Or are you upset about something your significant other did?  This might be an opportunity to improve your communication skills and advocate for your needs in your relationship.  It is not always easy to find a silver lining, but if you can, it is a good way to generate positive emotions.

Another way to infuse some positive emotions into the moment is with a funny video or inspiring photo.  The little positive things can help deflate even the most intense negative emotions.  So, if you are feeling really down, do something that generates a little happiness to help yourself get back to your normal self.

Practice Acceptance

It can seem counterintuitive to accept the things that are bothering us.  But indeed, it is good advice to “accept the things you cannot change” when you want to control your emotions.  No matter how upset you may get, your emotions cannot change things that are not in your control to change or what cannot be changed.  So, ask yourself:  What part of this situation is out of my control and influence?  Remind yourself to accept the things that are immovable and focus your effort on the things you can change for the better.

Give Up Caffeine

Caffeine gives us energy.  Of course, energy is good.  Although, caffeine can end up producing nervous energy, which is energy that feels very similar to feelings of anxiety or panic.  So, if you are feeling extra anxious and you cannot figure out what is causing it, it may just be the caffeine.

If you are already feeling stressed about something, caffeine can exacerbate those emotions.  Because, caffeine can negatively affect your sleep.  When you get insufficient sleep, it can cause you to not manage your emotions as well.  As a result, your feelings can get out of control more easily.  Therefore, limiting caffeine is another good way to keep those emotions in check.

Be Sure to Exercise

If you are still feeling all riled up and cannot seem to get a handle on your negative emotions, then try exercising.  Because, it turns out that exercise is an effective way to boost your mood.  Do a few sprints, lift some heavy weights, or do some other activity that gets your heart rate up and you enjoy.  Due to the higher the intensity of the workout, the greater the impact on your mood.  The physiological changes that happen in your body makes exercising a great solution for intense emotions that you are having a hard time handling with other strategies.

Changing Your Life Coaching can support you in increasing your resilience by learning how to deal with your difficult emotions.
Visit now to learn more about the self-paced online mini course called, How to Create a More Meaningful Life.  Creating more purpose and meaning in your life can help you in managing your negative emotions more effectively! 

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520 West Ponce De Leon Avenue
Decatur, Georgia 30031
Phone: (404) 289-2026
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